Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011- Day Two

Is 2011 the official start of a new decade or was 2010 the start? I'm counting on my fingers from 2000 and 2010 is ten, so I'm guessing this is the new decade. Who knows and as fast as the years go by these days, it'll be 2021 here pretty soon.

And did we accomplish anything in the past decade? Um, not really.

Our New Year's Eve was typical for us. I was in bed before midnight and Keith fell asleep on the couch shortly after. Then yesterday he was supposed to be working on the kitchen, finally putting in the trim that goes under the cabinets so the gap between the floor and the cabinets will stop filling up with dirt and cat kibbles. He did go to Home Depot not once but twice and got a new specialty saw to cut the trim wood all fancy, and also got a piece of wood for the shelf above the sink that he's been planning to put in for a few years now. Keith going to Home Depot is like a kid in a candy store, the most fun ever and look at all the treats they have! He also went to Lowe's where he saw our congressman Kevin McCarthy shopping. First celebrity sighting in Bakersfield!

Anyway, after the home improvement shopping and the hauling in of the wood and saw he was apparently exhausted because he fell asleep on the couch.

So, our trim is still not cut. Or installed.

I did make him do one of the things we talked about to improve our lives, though, before dinner I told him to grab his jacket because we were going for a little walk around the block. It was sprinkling so we grabbed our umbrellas, too, and got a tiny bit of exercise, walking each evening being something we promised we would do.

Today we are going to go get cat litter and he is going to scrub out the cat boxes so the cats can start the year out all fresh. Too much excitement!!

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