Thursday, September 10, 2009

Awesomeness on Etsy

I don't browse Etsy as much as I used to, it just seems that everyone is making the same types of things and all the shops tend to start looking the same. Scrabble tile pendants, anyone? How about the personalized stamped silver or metal pendants? One person starts selling something, they start to sell a lot of them, and before you know it, there are hundreds of them all over Etsy.

Like this:

Search handmade on Etsy for personalized stamped metal pendant and 50 pages of these come up. They are nice, and a great idea, but will soon become the new scrabble tile pendant. Not to mention the plethora of moustache things on Etsy.

Everyone needs a felt moustache disguise, right?

Come on, it's only $13.00!

If that's not your cup of tea, you can wear your moustache on a chain.

Anyway, I think my point is that Etsy is just like any other retail mall, certain styles become popular and trendy and all the shops start to carry the same things.

So, when I saw this shop on Etsy while looking through Pounce at the recently sold, I was immediately fascinated by the uniqueness and originality and style. Each piece is truly one of a kind and I love the way the artist photographs the clothing with the illustrations from the original vintage patterns that she has used. I've always liked vintage textiles anyway, and the way she uses them in these fashions just makes me smile. So much fun!

The shop is bettyoatmeal, with the tag line 'where art is worn'. Very fitting, these pieces are indeed works of art!

This is a dress for a little girl made with one of those 'days of the week' embroidered tea towels, those ones that told you to bake on Monday, clean on Tuesday, etc. This one tells you to sew on Wednesday.

I really like the pattern illustrations along with the finished items in the pictures, they just add to the overall retro vintage feel of the whole shop.

This one is called Danger Bonbons and uses a tea towel that lists the calories of food on it. I just love the way this is made.

And this is total awesomeness, a jacket made with a vintage souvenir Los Angeles (and environs) table cloth. The vintage pattern she uses is just perfect!

If you'd like to see more, and I highly recommend checking out this shop, go here:


PussDaddy said...

That is one awesome shop you found geelizzie. I hate the mustache thing, too, I really do. I do admit though that the necklace you posted, if I had to buy any, that one would be it. I just love that shop you posted though.


PussDaddy said...

This is awesome!
