Monday, April 23, 2012

Heat Wave and Cats

We had our first heat wave of the year this weekend. It got up to 98 yesterday and broke the previous record of 97 for that day in weather history. Just a taste of the summer to come and I didn't like it. When it gets so hot here I always think about the people who settled in this place back in the 1800's and how did they ever survive the summers with all of those long dresses and corsets and suits and hats and all that they had to wear back then? Unless maybe they just went around naked when nobody was looking.

Hottest weekend of the year so far and what does Keith decide to do but work in the yard all day Saturday and all day Sunday. He was building a flower bed for some bulbs that he bought that hopefully it wasn't too late in the season to plant and then was messing around with the patio thing that he built. He found some of that fabric sunshade patio covering that he forgot that he bought last year and was trying to figure out how to attach it and then had to go buy another roll for the other half of the patio and before we knew it the weekend was gone. He was supposed to work on the kitchen because the barbecue that I need to get the invitations sent out for is only a few weeks away and I really don't want people coming into my kitchen that has no door on the pantry and no doors on the washer and dryer closet. And no molding around the floor. And some unfinished shelves that he built.

How many years have we lived in an unfinished house now?

I was vacuuming the other day and left the vacuum cleaner in the corner of the living room where once again Mimi decided that a coiled up cord is the perfect thing to sleep on.

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