Monday, February 7, 2011

Short Film and What We Did Last Weekend

Short film. Mimi getting licked.

So, did everyone watch the Super Bowl yesterday? I watched the pregame show, which was hours longer than the actual game, and I had no idea that they had a red carpet for the celebrities and interviewed celebrities who were promoting their latest movie or whatever. I wanted to watch the interview with Obama which they kept promising was coming up next that I kept waiting and waiting for. Then the game with the commercials that everyone watches the game for and the half time show which was rather odd. I'm watching all these people in lighted up costumes with boxes on their heads and wondering how much this whole thing cost to put together and couldn't all that money have been spent on a better band? Who actually played instruments? Meh.

A little while before game time Keith took off to the grocery store to get beer and snacks and it's always dangerous when he goes to the store unsupervised. He came home with chips, beer, peanuts, a box of frozen fried chicken, a box of frozen popcorn shrimp, hot dog buns and wieners, and some ice cream. Almost $50.00 worth of junk there.

Other than that, just another weekend here. Keith spent all day Saturday cleaning up the back yard which was looking kind of white trash hillbilly with cars on blocks hidden in the weeds. Someday, someday we will have the $ to finish the patio and landscaping back there, but at least the weeds are cut down now and the rotting leaves from the fall are raked up.

I did a big clean in my work room and dusted everything and did a little organizing yesterday morning. I vacuum in there every couple of days, but as far as getting in the corners and dusting the pictures and shelves and all, that hasn't been done for a long time. I need to do that in the rest of the house, now.

I went for a bike ride this morning and didn't have to wear a big heavy jacket. Spring must be coming soon!

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