Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm Just Waiting

For someone to complain about the new Carl's Jr Bourbon Burger commercials.

You've probably seen or heard them by now, the surgeon talking about how he has to have his bourbon by lunchtime and the radio commercial about people being bourbonaholics. Personally I think the commercials are funny and clever, and they do make you want to go try a bourbon burger.

But, any minute now, AA is going to make a statement about how this trivializes people who are alcoholics, and the AMA is going to make a statement about how this makes doctors look like alcoholics, and MADD is going to make a statement about how this commercial glorifies alcoholics. Or something like that.

In today's world we have to be so very very careful about EVERYTHING that is said and done because no matter what, you are going to offend someone somewhere. So, Carl's Jr, be prepared to have to make a counter statement about how sorry you are that your marketing effort has offended so many people.

That's all.

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